A new school season of 2014 has started. So, because the influence I got from the other teacher, I paint my class with the help from my pupils. I chose two colours, green and orange. Not a very good mix, but my intention was to make the class cheerful. We have finish painting the classroom, but the decoration hasn't finish yet. I kind feel embarrass to put my class picture because I'm not good in decoration, so, I do what I can. The purpose of doing this is to increase my pupils enthusiasm to study and they increase their will to study more. It also to help in their learning process. Seeing what other teachers did, wow, I'm impress. That's why they said that teaching is a job from the heart, because if you do not have strong and passion heart for teaching, it will be difficult. Because paint the class, make it cheerful is not part of the scope of being a teacher, but, teachers around the world did it, because the teachers wanted their pupils to feel happy and moti...
I am a Teacher :) . I share mostly English learning materials.