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Showing posts from April, 2020

Bahan PDP : English Year 4 2020 : Topic 4 : Celebrations

Disclaimer : These are not my materials. I got it from sources given to teachers. The reason I  compile and put it here is for easy access for my pupils for revision. If I need to take it down, please contact me. 1. The Vocabulary The above vocabulary is call as ordinal numbers. Because I unable to upload the audio file that goes along with the text, I put a youtube video to learn the pronounciation and spelling of the numbers. Second, the song Biolink : Fb page : Blog : Get RM10 when you start invest with WAHED investment . Download apps at and put this code MASBIN26 to get RM10 Want to buy bitcoins and others cryptocurrencies at low initial investment of RM100 and even get RM15 ...

Bahan Pdp semasa PKP

Memandangkan PKP ini sudah lebih sebulan, maka ada silibus yang sepatutnya di ajar pada bulan ini dan bulan Mac, tertinggal. Seperti saya yang mengajar English tahun 4, ada dua tajuk yang saya perlu ajar dan semasa PKP, bahan pengajaran, saya beri melalui kumpulan wassap sahaja. Group whatsapp, bagus, tapi apabila telah banyak file dalam group, nanti, hilang semua fail-fail yang diberi. Jadi, selain guna google classroom, saya akan guna blogger, untuk compile notes dan bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran kelas. credit kepada