Last Friday, on July 2nd, my school held a Parents Teacher meeting… and as a class teacher for 2 Pintar, I participated in the event. Out of 31 pupils in my class, 30 parents came. For me, it’s a huge number and I’m glad. I able to meet face to face with my pupils parents and talked about their children. It went really well.
No parents said a bad comment about me as a teacher and most shockingly, a few parents actually told me to do anything to their children if they do any mistakes..Yeah… a permission to punish their children.
For me, no teacher would like to punish their students, but when things got out of hand, that’s when the necessary actions had to be taken. Who says being a teacher is easy?
Some parents told me that their children is nice at home because they alone, but when they see their peers, it seems like they see their gangs, where they have power to be out of control. Well that for boys. As for girls, most of them talk non-stop… and even their parents do not what to do.
It is indeed interesting and amazing to actually sees that these parents really wanted their children to be successful and really hoping that the teacher will help them. But we all know that clapping one hand will not produce any sound. Ok here some pictures during the event.
The parents waiting for their turn to see the teacher.
Puan Aminah, talking to the parents about the pupil. Puan Aminah is concentrating about talking to the parents how to help their children to improve on their studies.
Three teachers are waiting for the parents with a smile. Cannot wait to see the parents and talked about their children. :).
Two teachers, kak Mar and Kak Ton, posing before the event takes place. ;)
Among the parents and students that coming during the PTA's meeting. Good support and cooperation from parents.
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